
did you ever try to drink in zentai?

zentai is made from different materials, and it is the full body suit that tight enough to be second skin of people. and most of the zentai wearers love to wear this kind of full body suits for doing interesting things, indeed, when you are in zentai, no matter what things you do could be interesting.
we all know that people in zentai will be covered fully, of course including the whole head. so you will be curious about the question that how can they drink in zentai, right? and depends on the materials of zentai, they ways to drink is different. if you wear the lycra spandex zentai, then you can just drink water directly, because lycra and spandex fabric is the most flexible, breathable material, so the water can just flow through the lycra spandex zentai into mouth. but for the pvc zentai, shiny metallic zentai, if you want to drink, you'd better take your hood off or make your zentai open mouth.

